Dear Moneylifers, |  | |
Greetings! July 2018 This detailed report was intended to drive reformative changes in government policies. There have been some rapid development on this issue, with the Ministry of Urban Affairs forming a committee to examine issues with retirement homes and also formulate a model of regulation for them. |
I am happy to be invited to represent Moneylife Foundation on this committee; a couple of meetings have been held to discuss a wide range of issues such as standards, facilities, financing models, governance, maintenance, regulatory framework etc. The members of the committee are expected to meet again in the next 30 days with a draft report. Clearly the issues fall under the jurisdiction of the Urban Affairs Ministry as well as that of Social Justice. If you have thoughts or inputs on these issues, do share them quickly so that your inputs can be shared at the committee's deliberations. Here is the Study Report on Retirement Homes prepared by Moneylife Foundation for HDFC... |
We are also looking for young lawyers who would be willing to help Moneylife Foundation with drafting regulation and framing submissions in appropriate legal language. We will be able to pay modest professional fees for this work. | |
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We are also continuing our deliberations with leading activists and NGOs who work with senior citizens on a wide range of issues. We have a second meeting scheduled for 6th August. If you have specific inputs and would like to participate, please write to me at [email protected] |
This month we also conducted other vital meetings for topics of importance to public interest. On 11th July, we hosted a meeting of prominent RTI activists led by former Central Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi, to discuss the rampant misinterpretation of the RTI Act due to key Supreme Court judgments. Activists Anil Galgali, Dolphy D'souza, Bhaskar Prabhu and several others were present at this meeting. A general consensus was reached to create awareness on the issues discussed by conducting similar meetings and seminars. |
On 12th July, consumer activist AV Shenoy led a meeting to discuss the ongoing issues with the Mumbai Monorail Project. We are all aware of the vast amount of money that has been invested in this project. At the meeting, a host of glaring issues and concerns with the project were brought to our attention. This meeting was held to discuss those issues and decide how to take them up with the government. |
Apart from this, there was also an immensely informative seminar on 19th July conducted by Mr Shenoy on "How Home Buyers can use Conciliation under RERA for rapid dispute resolution". Mr Shenoy, being a counsellor appointed by RERA and a consumer activist, was able to provide clarity for the attendees on numerous property issues. You can read about the session here: A successful method of fast track dispute resolution for consumer and builder. You can also watch the video of the event on our YouTube channel. Do also watch the Q&A session that was held after the seminar. |
26th July: Open House with Abhay Datar Mr Datar, a retired banker and consumer activist, had a highly informative Open House session on issues related to taxation, tax filing, tax exemptions, investments, insurance and online filing. Check out details below. |
As always, if you are not a Mumbaikar, you can catch our events on Facebook live or watch them on our YouTube Channel. If you reside in Mumbai, you can also benefit from our Free Daily Clinic guidance sessions to resolve your issues relating to Housing, Cooperative Housing Societies, Lok Adalats, RERA, Right to Information (RTI), banking and consumer complaints and many other issues that affect your daily life. |
You will find a list of activities and programmes conducted in July below. Feel free to write to us if you have suggestions for future workshops or want a repeat of any of those conducted earlier – if there is a lot of interest, we will surely arrange another session. Watch out for announcements in August by becoming a member and getting on to our mailing list. |
Planned Conducted: |
8th August: "RTI Workshop: Learn how to file RTI applications (Hindi)" - Shailesh Gandhi Former CIC, Mr Gandhi will conduct a special seminar in Hindi to provide guidance on filing RTI applications. Provided there is sufficient time, he will also be available to provide guidance on individual queries. Venue: Moneylife Foundation Knowledge Center, Dadar (West). Time: 5pm to 7pm. |
10th August: "How Senior Citizens Can Make Life Easier with Technology & Apps" - Yazdi Tantra Learn about the advantages & pitfalls of using apps and technology for improving your day to day life. Also learn how to stay safe online and protect your privacy. Venue: Moneylife Foundation Knowledge Center, Dadar (West). Time: 4pm to 6pm. |
29th August: "RTI Workshop: Learn how to file RTI applications (Marathi)" - Shailesh Gandhi Mr Gandhi will also conduct a similar special seminar in Marathi where attendees can benefit from his knowledge and experience on RTI. Venue: Moneylife Foundation Knowledge Center, Dadar (West) Time: 5pm to 7pm |
Programmes Conducted: |
4th July: "RTI Workshop: Learn how to file RTI applications effectively" by Shailesh Gandhi |
In lieu of his regular daily clinic guidance sessions, former CIC Shailesh Gandhi held a RTI workshop sharing his knowledge on the RTI Act & RTI applications. The session proved to be beneficial to all, whether beginners or experts in the domain of filing RTI applications. Watch the video on our YouTube Channel here |
19th July: "How home buyers can use conciliation under RERA for rapid dispute resolution" by AV Shenoy Consumer Activist and a panel member on the conciliation forum, Mr Shenoy conducted a special seminar to share his vast knowledge on how property issues can be resolved through the conciliation forum. During the session Mr Shenoy was also able to provide guidance for several attendees with their personal problems. |
Read: MahaRERA Conciliation: A successful method of fast track dispute resolution for consumer and builder Watch the video on our YouTube Channel |
26th July: Open House with Abhay Datar on all your personal finance and tax related issues Retired banker Abhay Datar was invited to hold an open house session to provide guidance on filing Income Tax, understanding tax exemptions, tax savings; investments, insurance, and mediclaim. Watch the video on our YouTube Channel |
Moneylife TV |
The Moneylife TV has reached over 23.46 lakh views with more than 22,476 active subscribers. You can watch our videos from almost any part of the globe and enrich yourself. If you don't want to miss out on any of our videos then do subscribe to the Moneylife channel on YouTube here. |
Even better, you may also become a Member of Moneylife Foundation and join over 89,200 others so that you receive updates to our events, their coverage as well as access to our extremely valuable Credit Helpline and Legal Resource Centre absolutely free. To join now, click here |
Helplines |
Legal Resource Centre:We have handled 1,705 queries since inception, thanks to the generous help and guidance by senior activists. |
Every Monday, Mumbai-based “Free Press Journal” is publishing a column “Your Housing Problems & Solutions” based on queries answered by our Experts at the LRC. So far, we have provided answers to about 40 queries from readers of the newspaper. |
Our FREE Credit Helpline has answered over 3,471 cases. Spread the word, so that those with a low score can get help from us. |
Remember, you can benefit from our work from all over the globe through our videos and helplines (Credit Helpline and Legal Resource Centre). They are all offered free of charge, but please do reciprocate by introducing our work to at least 10 people and getting them to become members. |
Help Your Cause: A good way to the second half of 2018 may be by donating to a cause that takes up issues that affect you, as we do in Moneylife Foundation. Or you can join our efforts by helping create awareness, researching issues or getting people to take advantage of all that we offer. |
Donate Online |
Thank you for your support and look forward to your good wishes always. |
Best regards, |
Sucheta Dalal |
Founder-Trustee, Moneylife Foundation |
Trustees: TS Krishnamurthy, Dr KC Chakrabarty, Walter Vieira, Sucheta Dalal, Debashis Basu and Dr Anupam Saraph. Special Invitee: Adv Jamshed Mistry | | Moneylife Foundation is registered with the Charity Commissioner of Mumbai, is an Affiliate member of OECD's International Network on Financial Education, is a Supporter Member of Consumers International, Development Partner of Advocates for International Development (A4ID), and is a winner of the 10th MR Pai Memorial Award. | |  | | | Donations are eligible for tax benefits under Sec 80G of the Income Tax 1961 (50% tax exemption) and MLF is registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010. 80(G) Reg No: DIT(E)/MC/80G/685/2010-11 dated 7.2.11 effective 8.+9.2010 | FCRA Registration No: 083781387 Donate Online | | | |