This October: Consider Your Data Consumption & Productivity |
Dear Moneylifers, |
Many of you would have noticed that Moneylife Foundation's webinars over the last few weeks are sharply focused on issues that concern us in these very unusual times, when many of us continue to work from home, or struggle to remain safe while commuting. |
Whether it is the need to think ahead and make a will, or empower yourself in multiple ways with access to information, understanding digital safety or improving your productivity by learning the magic of technology – we have had sessions for you and if you missed attending them, just go to Moneylife TV on YouTube where they are all available. |
All of us are consuming a lot more data since the lockdown and the cost is slowly creeping upwards. We need data for learning, entertainment and simply to keep earning by working from home. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has just published a consultation paper titled "Roadmap to Promote Broadband Connectivity and Enhanced Broadband Speed" in India and sought public comments. This should be an area of interest and concern. |
So we are delighted to tell you that none other than Telecom Man, who brought the internet to us in India as chairman of VSNL will be addressing a webinar and discussion on the subject. |
This is an important discussion and several consumer activists and our counselors will be participating in the discussion, based on which Moneylife Foundation hopes to submit our responses to TRAI before the 10th October deadline. So block your date for 8th October 2020 at 6:00 pm. We urge you to take a look at the TRAI recommendations before then, send us your comments and also consider sending your individual feedback to TRAI. |
Anugrah Stock & Broking |
Some of you are aware that we have tried to help investors who have been ripped off in the Anugrah Stock & Broking fraud. It has been a learning process for us with many positive outcomes. We were able to create a Telegram group with 480 plus members in record time. This helped immensely in allowing victims to network, and for us to help them through very focused information. Since there was a clear target group, we were able to host several quick webinars with Advocates P R Ramesh and Sumit Agrawal who have vast knowledge of securities law and SEBI's working. Dr Rajendra Ganatra who is on the arbitration panel of the National Stock Exchange (NSE), explained how that process works and NSE's Investor Services Department conducted a unique session to explain how to file complaints and what to expect in terms of outcomes. |
The generosity of these advocates and Advocate Ravi Hegde in sharing information was very beneficial and has led to some quick results in cases filed with the Bombay High Court. |
We look forward to your active feedback on issues that you would like us to discuss, and we will do our best to make it happen. Please do write to us at [email protected] |
Forthcoming Webinars |
"Are TRAI's Proposed Broadband Recommendations Good For Us?" with Brijendra K Syngal, Father of Internet & Data Services, former Chairman of VSNL Thursday, 8th October, 2020; 6:00pm to 7:30pm Invitation link: https://zoom.us/j/94055705000?pwd=UXVYSjFDRUtNTlZHbjRBZ3NwYjZPQT09 Meeting Id: 940 5570 5000 Passcode: MLF@TRAI |
"15 Years After the RTI Act's Implementation: Have We Made Any Progress?" with Shailesh Gandhi, retd. Central Information Commissioner, Vinita Deshmukh, Consulting Editor, Moneylife, Vijay Kumbhar, RTI Activist Monday, 12th October, 2020; 6:00pm to 7:30pm On the 15th Anniversary of the implementation of the RTI Act, join us as we organise a panel of experts and RTI activists, to discuss the impact of the RTI Act and whether any progress has been made towards transparency. Invitation link: https://zoom.us/j/96552908904?pwd=ZVp3VkxIWU1zMGRxenpxbnRlUFl6UT09 Meeting ID: 965 5290 8904 Passcode: RTIDivas |
“Commonly Misused & Misinterpreted Exemptions Under RTI Act” with Prof. Sridhar Acharyulu, retd. Central Information Commissioner & Shailesh Gandhi, retd. Central Information Commissioner Tuesday, 20th October, 2020; 6:00pm to 7:30pm Retired Central Information Commissioners, Shailesh Gandhi and Prof. Sridhar Acharyulu, will be discussing a few key exemptions of the RTI Act, which are commonly misinterpreted and what can an RTI applicant do to tackle disposal of their application on the basis of such exemptions. Invitation link: https://zoom.us/j/95966257880?pwd=czJRTFJMTGZoc1NiOGlZT0tqUGg3dz09 Meeting ID: 959 6625 7880 Passcode: MLF@RTI |
We have a few other sessions in the pipeline and are in the process of finalising the finer details, stay tuned as we will be sharing updates very shortly. We are also thinking of restarting our RTI daily clinic counseling sessions, so keep an eye out for that announcement soon. |
Programmes In September |
In an effort to enlighten and support troubled investors of Anugrah Stock & Broking, we had conducted several important webinars aimed at clarifying the doubts that these investors might have had and also to provide them with various solutions that were available to them. The first in a series of these sessions, was conducted with the assistance of former SEBI executives Adv PR Ramesh and Adv Sumit Agarwal, where they attempted to explain, What was Wrong with Anugrah's Promise & How Can Investors Protect Themselves in this Crisis. As always, a video recording of this session is available on our YouTube Channel and you can read more about it here. |
Our second session, specifically for the benefit of Anugrah investors and others as well, was undertaken by Dr. Rajendra Ganatra, former member of NSE's Investor Grievance Panel and a registered Insolvency Resolution Professional. Being a veteran in handling grievance redressal cases for NSE, his talk was focused in explaining, NSE's Grievance Redress Process and What Victims of Market Fraud Can Expect. This session had many important learnings that all investors would find useful and if you could not participate, you can still take advantage by watching the video recording here. Do take some time and read a brief report of the session as well. |
Our third and final webinar, in this series for educating investors, was organised on a very short notice with Nisha Subhash, Senior Vice President of NSE's Investor Service Cell and her team. This webinar was organised to clarify the process and explain NSE's Grievance Redress Mechanism - NICE, IGRP & Arbitration. In a detailed presentation, the team from NSE laid out the various mechanisms that are available for troubled investors and the process in which NSE investigates to provide an amicable solution to the investor. You can watch the video recording of this session here. |
We also conducted two unique sessions explaining the importance of making a Will. Renowned Adv SD Israni, took the efforts to explain all the technical details of making a legally valid Will or nomination; while in a separate session CA Vimal Punmiya addressed the impact of the recent Supreme Court judgement that allows married daughters to an equal right to ancestral property after her father's death in a HUF. Both sessions are equally important, so do take the time to watch Adv Israni's session as well as CA Punmiya's session on our YouTube Channel, and read more about it here. Mr Punmiya was also kind enough to prepare and share some frequently asked questions about Wills which can be found here. |
Another important session for all professionals working from home during the lockdown, was conducted by tech guru Yazdi Tantra, who took the time to explain Effective Use of Productivity Apps. This session was essentially a live, hands-on demonstration of many apps that can help simplify everyday tasks while using a computer or a smartphone. A video recording of this immensely useful session, is also available on our YouTube Channel, so do watch it! |
Finally, in an effort to reach a wider audience with our webinars and educational programmes, we conducted a few sessions in Hindi and Marathi languages. Former Central Information Commissioner, Shailesh Gandhi took the time to go over fundamentals of the RTI Act and filing an effective application, in a Hindi language webinar. While our resident tech aficionado, Yogesh Sapkale conducted a repeat of his earlier engaging webinar on avoiding online frauds and scams, this time for the benefit of our Marathi speaking members. Video recordings of both Mr Gandhi's session and Yogesh's session are available on our YouTube channel. |
Moneylife TV & Helplines |
With the outbreak of covid-19, our physical events and daily clinics for this month have been suspended for the safety and benefit of all those involved. However, in this lockdown period you can still take advantage of our numerous videos of past seminars and workshops which are always available on our YouTube Channel Moneylife TV and Moneylife News Bites. |
Although counselling on various issues from our experts is not possible in-person, you are welcome to email on [email protected] with your details. We shall forward your mail to the expert for guidance and do our best to get your query resolved. |
You also have the option of posting your query on either our Legal Helpline or Credit Helpline. |
Also, Moneylife Foundation is now on Telegram and Instagram, so do follow us on these channels to stay updated on our activities and events. |
Thank you for your support, stay safe and look forward to your good wishes always. |
Sucheta Dalal |
Founder-Trustee, Moneylife Foundation |
Trustees: TS Krishnamurthy, Dr KC Chakrabarty, Walter Vieira, Sucheta Dalal and Debashis Basu. | | Moneylife Foundation is registered with the Charity Commissioner of Mumbai, is an Affiliate member of OECD's International Network on Financial Education, is a Supporter Member of Consumers International, Development Partner of Advocates for International Development (A4ID), and is a winner of the 10th MR Pai Memorial Award. | |  | | | Donations are eligible for tax benefits under Sec 80G of the Income Tax 1961 (50% tax exemption) and MLF is registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010. 80(G) Reg No: DIT(E)/MC/80G/685/2010-11 dated 7.2.11 effective 8.+9.2010 | FCRA Registration No: 083781387  | | | |